2020 Armenia-Azerbaijan Border Skirmishes and Reactions

Nuray Rustamova
Nuray Rustamova was a bachelor's student in International Relations at Baku State University. Her spheres of interest cover the Middle East and the Caucasus, as well as ethnic and religious conflicts.
Yunis Sharifli
Yunis Sharifli is a 4th-year student at the Azerbaijan State University of Economics, Faculty of Turkish World Economics, majoring in International Relations. His areas of expertise cover Central Asia and Caucasus in China`s foreign policy, as well as Belt and Road Initiative.
Ilkin Akhundlu
Ilkin Akhundlu studied economics at the Academy of Public Administration. His spheres of interest include political economics, tax regulation and women empowerment.
Malak Novruzova
Malak Novruzova is a 4th-year student at the Azerbaijan State University of Economics, Faculty of Turkish World Economics, majoring in International Relations. Her research interests include the analysis of international trade between countries, the logistical importance of countries and the analysis of Brexit-affected areas in the European Union.
The Topchubashov Center was established in April 2018 by the team managing The Politicon- an online platform for authors writing about politics and governance in all their forms and dimensions. It is also affiliated with the Center for Regional...
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