Topchubashov Center to host a panel in the Economic Forum in Karpacz

Topchubashov Center is to host a panel in the upcoming Economic Forum, a traditional forum for thousands of experts, in Karpacz, Poland. Within this year`s edition between 5-7 September 2023, Topchubashov Center gathers several prominent experts in the panel entitled “Human Rights Situation in Iran: The Case of Ethnic Azerbaijanis”.
The discussion to be moderated by Rusif Huseynov, Director of Topchubashov Center, on 7 September 2023 involves the following speakers:
Turkan Bozkurt, researcher, University of Toronto (Canada),
Joseph Epstein, Legislative Fellow, Endowment for Middle East Truth (EMET) (Washington, DC, United States),
Dr. Maurizio Geri, EU M.Curie Fellow 2024-2026 (Washington/Brussels/Venice),
Ramin Jabbarli, Researcher, University of Washington (Seattle, United States),
Dr. Hay Eytan Cohen Yanarocak, Researcher, Moshe Dayan Center for Middle Eastern and African Studies at Tel Aviv University (Tel-Aviv, Israel)
The panelists will discuss a topical issue of human rights in Iran and its impact on Iran’s foreign policy: the domestic ethnic tensions and the regime`s discriminatory policies against the ethnic groups, most of all the Azerbaijanis, amid the Mahsa Amini protests and Tehran’s assertive foreign policy will be addressed.