Topchubashov Center and Hungarian Embassy co-host roundtable discussion on COP29

Topchubashov Center and Hungarian Embassy co-host roundtable discussion on COP29

On October 11, 2024, Topchubashov Center and the Embassy of Hungary in Azerbaijan co-hosted in Baku a roundtable discussion titled “Green Transition and Climate Change: Theoretical and Practical Approaches Towards COP29”. 

Having taken place in the eve of COP29, a mega-event to be hosted in Baku, the roundtable discussion included officials and experts from Azerbaijan and Hungary.

In his welcome speech, Tamás Torma, Hungary`s Ambassador to Azerbaijan spoke about the robust and friendly relations between the two countries and Azerbaijan`s growing role as an EU energy partner. 

The introduction to the discussion was about the growing friendly relations with the Hungarian ambassador to Azerbaijan, Tamas Torna, as well as the growing role of Azerbaijan as a cooperation in the field of energy for Europe.

As the moderating was passed to Rusif Huseynov, Director of Topchubashov Center, he emphasized the importance of the upcoming COP29 and its opportunities for new global partnership.

In her speech Daniella Deli, Deputy State Secretary for Climate Policy and Ministerial Envoy of Hungarian Presidency for COP29, spoke about the ambitious plans of Hungary and the EU to o be climate neutral by 2050 and thus, become a benchmark for other regions. By emphasizing the importance of international partnerships for Hungary and the EU, she referred to Azerbaijan as a potential “hub for sustainable development and green energy in South Caucasus” and “a crucial partner on renewable energy and green transition.”

Calling the COP29 “a litmus test for the Paris Agreement and global climate action,” Nigar Arpadarai, the UN Climate Change High-Level Champion for COP29 Azerbaijan, put an emphasis on the role of non-state actors, such as expert community, sivil society, and private sector, especially SMEs, in driving and implementing the COP-related agenda.

Putting an emphasis on developing countries “are particularly vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change and environmental degradation, Samir Bejanov COP29, Deputy Lead Negotiator, said that Baku-hosted COP29 could change the paradigm and raise climate finance as the central topic of the negotiations.

One of the Hungarian speakers, József Goldfárth, Branch Director, MVM Azerbaijan, spoke about his company`s strategy on green energy and sustainable development, and also provided up-to-date information on the Green Corridor, an ambitious project, which is being designed to export green energy from Azerbaijan to Hungary via the Black Sea undersea cable. 

To-follow up, Elmir Musayev, General Director, SOCAR Green, reiterated Azerbaijan`s plans to become a regional renewable hub through three green corridors connecting Europe with Central Asia. He also informed about the domestic green projects in Azerbaijan, including the liberated territories in Karabakh. 

Gergely Kitta, Director of Institutes, Climate Policy Institute, Mathias Corvinus Collegium, put an emphasis on the role of education and communication strategy in fighting climate change. He also informed the audience about the current climate discussions and discourses in Hungary. 

Shahmar Hajiyev, Senior Specialist, Center of Analysis of International Relations (AIR Center), brought the topic of the role of think tanks in communicating Azerbaijan`s COP29 agenda and messages.

As the founder & CEO, Climate Action Ltd, a private company, Gábor Gremsperger, shared his opinion on how the private sector should work closely with governments and society in pushing green energy-based sustainable development