Being in the middle: Women in conflict transformation

Being in the middle: Women in conflict transformation

The process of women's inclusion in peacebuilding, as well as protection and representation of female refugees and IDPs requires a comprehensive, holistic approach that addresses the unique challenges they face and that involves networking, education, activism, building strategies, and dialogue. By working together, women can play a critical role in promoting peace and building more inclusive societies.

In turn, a feminist foreign policy approach in Azerbaijan could help in this direction by focusing on gender equality, human security, and inclusivity in the country's international engagements. This may involve promoting women's rights and gender-sensitive development policies, prioritizing the needs of refugees and internally displaced persons and engaging with civil society organizations and marginalized groups in foreign policy decisionmaking processes. It also requires achieving a gender-sensitive approach in peace agreements by recognizing the different experiences of women and men in conflict, addressing the root causes of gender inequality, and ensuring that gender-sensitive provisions.


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